Friday, March 25, 2011

Here's Looking At You Kid

Apparently my ability to dress myself is questionable.

This morning I chose to wear a filmy, peach colored, cotton top with lace accents and short sleeves with jeans. Cute and work appropriate for casual Friday.

Despite my ability to fully fill any cup size, I also have some cute bras. This morning I selected a white one with a lavender ribbon trim on the top of each side. A safe choice, I thought.

I looked in the mirror before I left for work. It was early and the room was kinda dark-ish. I didn't see any errant dryer sheets or random sock attached to me by static so I thought it safe to declare myself suitable to leave for work.

Later this morning as I was washing my hands in front of the mirror in the restroom, I looked up and  my eyes I saw this-

Hello, lavender trim.
My brain however saw this-
Hello boobs with brows!
For the first time ever I was extremely glad that very little jiggling was going on in there because waggling brows over my boobs could have traumatized me for life.

I spent the rest of the day sweating in my long sleeve cardigan sweater. Pulled tightly closed every time I left my desk.

Note to self: Stop dressing in the dark! Oh, and buy more nude bras.

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